Cooking at Mt. Harmon

Food and Drink


Food and Drink:  Website Resources

Cooking at Mt. Harmon
Mt. Harmon Kitchen

For authentic recipes, see the links on our Period Cookbooks and Receipts page!

Other resources include – 

SavoryFare2 (Yahoo Group) 

18th Century Cooking Videos on Youtube from Jas Townsend  (this one on building an earthenware oven, but 168 in all)

Savoring the Past (a companion blog)

Food History Jottings (Blog) 

A Taste of History with Joyce White (blog with many interesting recipes also) (a compendium of useful information)

Historic Food (British website, “high-end” cooking)

Website of Clarissa Dillon, noted expert on 18th century domestic arts, focusing on SE Pennsylvania. 

For pictures of drinking coffee, tea, and chocolate – and accouterments, here’s a good board on Pinterest

A Bountiful Feast